Just as the name suggests, you only use emergency contraceptives for emergency situations, for instance, to prevent pregnancy after unsafe sex, or if your usual contraception fails to work. You can now get a morning after pill in Redditch & Bishop Auckland at Knights Pharmacy.
Emergency contraception comes in 2 types:
- Emergency contraceptive pill (the “morning after” pill) – ellaOne or Levonelle
- Intrauterine device (IUD or coil)

How the morning after pill in Redditch & Bishop Auckland works
Levonelle contains levonorgestrel, a man-made version of the progesterone hormone released by the ovaries.
The pill works by stopping or delaying ovulation (egg release).
Levonelle doesn’t interrupt your regular contraception method, and you have to take it within 3 days (72 hours) after sex for it to work.
ellaOne contains ulipristal acetate, which interferes with the normal functioning of progesterone. The pill also works by interrupting ovulation.
Take it within 5 days (120 hours) after sex for it to work effectively.
Learn how Knights Pharmacy offers the contraceptive pill over the counter on our previous blog post here:
Who can use the morning after pill in Redditch & Bishop Auckland?
Most women can use the pill, including those who can’t use hormonal contraception, like the contraceptive patch and combined pill. Girls below the age of 16 years can also use the pill.
However, an emergency contraceptive pill may not be recommended for you if you are asthmatic, allergic to any of its ingredients, or are currently on medication that may interact with it.
Can I use the pill while breastfeeding?
Even though little traces of the hormones found in Levonelle may move into breast milk, it has not been found to bring any harm to your baby. Therefore, it’s safe to use while breastfeeding.
It’s not yet known whether ellaOne is safe to use while breastfeeding. It’s recommended by the manufacturer that you stop breastfeeding for a week after using the pill.
If you’re already using regular contraception:
You may use the emergency pill if you:
- Missed using your regular contraceptive pills
- Didn’t use a vaginal ring or contraceptive patch correctly
- Didn’t get your contraceptive injection or contraceptive implant on time
Can men buy the morning after pill in Redditch & Bishop Auckland?
No. Only women can buy emergency contraception. However, you will have to fill out a questionnaire to determine your eligibility before purchase. At Knights Pharmacy, emergency pills are available only for in-person collection.
Can emergency contraception protect me from STIs?
No. Emergency contraceptives only prevent pregnancy. They do not offer protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or infections such as HIV, genital warts, or chlamydia.
Practicing safe sex and using a condom during sex is the only way to avoid getting or spreading sexually transmitted infections.
Check out our previous blog post to learn more about sexual health here:
Side effects of using the emergency pill
There are no severe or long-term side effects associated with using an emergency contraceptive pill. But it can lead to:
- Tummy pain
- Headaches
- Changes in your next menstrual period – it can happen earlier, later, or be more painful than usual.
- Feeling or becoming sick – seek medical attention if you get sick within 2 hours of using Levonelle, or 3 hours of using ellaOne.
Get in touch with us for more information. You can also find your local branch using the branch locator and visit our store for discreet, professional advice.
This post was written on behalf of Knights Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor