What Common Ailments Can I treat at My Local Pharmacy?

Treat common ailments in Ely

The Common Ailments Scheme allows pharmacists to treat up to 26 minor conditions. This includes getting medications without needing to visit your GP. This scheme is available in every community pharmacy in Wales. However, patients must first register at the pharmacy of their choice to be eligible for the scheme. Keep reading to find out how to treat common ailments in Ely.

Who can get this service?

Residents of Wales and patients registered with a Welsh GP practice can utilise the service. Patients must be able to physically visit the pharmacy.

The pharmacist offers free advice and treatments for common ailments not treatable by self-care to patients.

What can you get on the common ailments scheme? (Treat common ailments in Ely)

Use this service instead of seeing your GP for the following 26 conditions

  • Acne
  • Athletes Foot
  • Backache (acute)
  • Chickenpox
  • Cold sores
  • Colic
  • Conjunctivitis (bacterial)
  • Constipation
  • Dermatitis (dry skin)
  • Diarrhoea
  • Dry Eye
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Hay fever
  • Head Lice
  • Indigestion
  • Intertrigo
  • In-growing toenail
  • Mouth Ulcers
  • Nappy rash
  • Oral thrush
  • Ringworm
  • Scabies
  • Sore throat
  • Teething
  • Threadworm
  • Vaginal thrush
  • Verruca

Learn how to treat a cold and the causes of a sore throat in our previous blog posts here:

Treat a Cold Causes of a Sore Throat



What common ailments can I treat in Ely?

Below are just a few examples of the sort of advice and treatment you can expect for three common conditions that we treat in the pharmacy.

1. How do I treat acne?

Treatment for acne depends on how acute it is. The condition usually clears up after a few months.

A pharmacist can still treat you for blackheads, whiteheads, and spots on your skin. The acne treatment of choice is benzoyl peroxide-containing creams and gels.

If your acne is moderate or severe, or if your medication wasn’t effective, consult your physician. If so, you may require prescription medication.

Some prescription medicines for treating acne include:

  • Topical retinoids
  • Azelaic acid
  • Antibiotic tablets
  • The combined oral contraceptive pill for women
  • Topical antibiotics

If prescription medications fail to work or you have acute acne, your GP can refer you to a dermatologist.

2. How do I treat backache?

Back pain is a common condition that most times improves on its own.

The lower back is particularly prone to pain. The pain can, however, occur anywhere along the spine. There’s no need to worry about this type of pain, as it usually improves with time.

Below are some tips for easing and treating backache:

  • Maintain your daily routine and be as active as you can.
  • Try stretches and workouts for back pain. Also, activities like walking, swimming, yoga and pilates may help ease your symptoms.
  • Take anti-inflammatory painkillers, for example, ibuprofen.
  • Use hot or cold compresses to ease short-term pain.

Your GP, physiotherapist or specialist may recommend extra treatments if they don’t think self-help measures alone will offer pain relief.

These treatments may include:

  • Signing up for group exercise classes where you can learn how to strengthen your muscles and improve your posture
  • Physiotherapists, chiropractors, and osteopaths normally offer manual therapies like spinal manipulation and massage
  • If you suffer from frequent pain, you may find psychological support, for instance, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) beneficial.

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3. How to treat Cold sores

Cold sores are common and most often heal on their own within 10 days. Nevertheless, there are some treatments you can use.

A pharmacist can advise you to use:

  • Creams to stop pain and irritation
  • Antiviral creams to quicken the recovery time
  • Cold sore patches for protecting the skin while it heals

You can buy electronic devices that treat cold sores with lasers or light. Also, if your cold sores are big, painful and keep recurring, your pharmacist may prescribe antiviral pills or cream.

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This post was written on behalf of Knights Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor