How Do You Effectively Relieve Back Pain?

Low back pain

Back pain is among the most common causes of disability in the world today. Fortunately, most back pain attacks can be prevented or treated, especially for people under the age of 60. In the case that prevention is unsuccessful, simple self-care and regular, proper use of the body will quickly repair the back. Back pain is typically treated without surgery. Keep reading to find out what causes low back pain in the West Midlands and learn how to treat it.

What causes low back pain in the West Midlands?

The disk pads that act as cushions for the spine’s segments resemble cartilage. Back pain can result from issues with any of these parts. The exact cause of some back pain cases is yet to be known.

Damage can occur as a result of strain, illnesses, and bad posture, among other things.

Strain causes low back pain

The most common causes of back pain are tension, strain or injury. Frequent reasons for back pain include:

  • Strained muscles or ligaments
  • Damaged disks
  • A muscle spasm
  • Muscle tension
  • Injuries, fractures, or falls

Undertaking the following activities can cause strains or spasms:

  • Lifting something incorrectly
  • Doing heavy lifting
  • Making a sudden and awkward movement

what causes low back pain in West Midlands

Structural problems that cause low back pain

Back pain can be brought on by a variety of structural issues, such as:

  • Ruptured disks: Disks cushion each vertebra in the spine. Back pain will arise from increased pressure on a nerve if the disk ruptures.
  • Bulging disks: A bulging disk can increase pressure on a nerve in a manner similar to ruptured disks.
  • Sciatica: A herniated or bulging disk pressing on nerve results in an acute, shooting pain that radiates through the buttock and goes down the back of the leg.
  • Arthritis: Osteoarthritis, a kind of arthritis, can lead to issues with the hips, lower back, and other joints.
  • Abnormal spine curvature: Back pain may come from an unusual spine curvature.
  • Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis makes bones fragile and porous, particularly the spine’s vertebrae, which increases the risk of compression fractures.
  • Kidney problems: Kidney infections or stones can result in back pain.

Movement and posture

When using computers, adopting a very slumped posture can eventually worsen back and shoulder issues.

Poor posture or some common daily activities can also cause back pain.

How can I ease low back pain in the West Midlands?

Pain can be reduced using over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers, typically nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), like ibuprofen. It may also help to apply an ice pack or a hot compress to the hurting area.

While taking a break from physically demanding activities can be beneficial, moving around will soothe stiffness, lessen pain, and keep muscles from becoming weak.

what causes low back pain in West Midlands

Will exercise combat the causes of low back pain?

Although you might want to relax, moving is healthy for your back. Leg, stomach, and back muscles can all be strengthened with workouts for lower back pain. Before beginning any back pain exercise, always consult a medical expert.

Can I treat the causes of low back pain at the pharmacy in the West Midlands?

Pain treatment using over-the-counter medicines from your pharmacy can help: Ibuprofen, which is sold over-the-counter is a great option for back pain in the short term.

Knights Pharmacy Branch

Visit your nearest Knights Pharmacy to learn about what causes low back pain in the West Midlands and find treatment. You can also shop online at for the best back care relief products.

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This post was written on behalf of Knights Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor


Updated October 2022