
Why Do You Need Travel Vaccines to Stay Safe?

Why Do You Need Travel Vaccines to Stay Safe?

If you intend to travel outside the country, you should get vaccinated against some serious diseases that are common in other parts of the world. The vaccinations are designed to protect you from infections such as typhoid, hepatitis A, and

How to Stop Severe Hay Fever Ruining your Summer

How to Stop Severe Hay Fever Ruining your Summer

Hay fever, commonly known as allergic rhinitis, is characterised by a runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing, sinus pressure, and congestion. Hay fever is not caused by a virus, as opposed to a cold. Pollen, dust mites, tiny skin flakes, and

Why Should You Get the Yellow Fever Vaccine for Travel?

Why Should You Get the Yellow Fever Vaccine for Travel?

If you travel to a place where yellow fever is prevalent, there is a highly effective vaccine that can protect you from getting the disease. Even if you’ve had your vaccination, you should avoid mosquito bites because mosquitoes can transmit

What’s the Best Way to Check my Blood Pressure?

What’s the Best Way to Check my Blood Pressure?

The purpose of a blood pressure test is to establish the status of your blood pressure. This relates to the pressure with which the blood pushes against the sides of your arteries as it flows throughout your body. How do

What Do You Do When Your Prescription Runs Out After Hours?

What Do You Do When Your Prescription Runs Out After Hours?

Getting an immediate prescription depends on whether you already have a prescription or if you need a new one. You may require an emergency prescription if you are still at home and your medicine has run out or has been

Why Do You Need a Covid Recovery Certificate?

Why Do You Need a Covid Recovery Certificate?

Certificates demonstrating recent recovery from Coronavirus are now recognised by some countries as acceptable proof of entry. Our pharmacists examine you and, if necessary, provide a Covid-19 recovery letter. This can only be given out seven days following the original positive Covid-19

How Can I Get an Immediate Prescription in Ely?

How Can I Get an Immediate Prescription in Ely?

Need an emergency prescription? How you go about getting one varies depending on whether you already have a prescription or need a new one. Keep reading to learn how to get an emergency prescription in Ely. How do I get

How Do You Get Emergency Prescriptions?

How Do You Get Emergency Prescriptions?

Do you need an emergency prescription in Penarth? Emergency prescriptions are for when you’ve run out of medicines or your GP clinic is closed. The procedures for obtaining an emergency prescription vary depending on whether you currently have a prescription

Why Do You Need a Covid Recovery Certificate Before Travelling?

Why Do You Need a Covid Recovery Certificate Before Travelling?

A COVID-19 recovery letter or certificate verifies that you previously had the disease, recovered, and may have developed a natural immunity against re-infection. If you are travelling abroad, attending events, or visiting certain countries or locations, you will need a